Monday, February 23, 2009

Dulin: Pt. 1

"He Hit the the legs and then all at once it fell backwards on top of him!"
The roars of laughter carried out into the night sky. As I glanced towards them I looked up to the stars trying to grasp the great wonders of the heavens. They began to sing, namely Ber and Wallace, who were on top of the tables. "Little brother!" I looked up at Ber.
"Come on up! There's plenty of room!"
"What? You forget the small problem of the hole in my side?"
"Fine then! Have another ale!"The Hall was crowded and I could barely hear either him or Wallace. It seemed as if every man and woman from within the city had gathered tonight. I highly doubt that because you cannot physically fit everyone inside. But that doesn't stop most of us. I heard songs and tales of the days battle, some of the younger soldiers saying how they took down a troll themsleves.
After many hours, only a small group cleaning up the plates and tankards remained. And Myself of course. Wallace acctually had just left and Berenthir had left earlier to spend time with his wife and kids. I made my way out onto the guard wall under the clear, starry sky. A warm cider ale in hand, made by the men of the Delving. My silver robe glistened and glowed under the moon light. I heard footsteps coming up from behind, I really just wanted to watch the stars.
It was already into the late watches as well. Most were asleep in the city besides the guards. I couldn't imagine who it could be. I didn't feel like turning around either. I paid no attention to whoever it was. I was singing in a quiet, gentle voice the song of the Atani. It was a song of desire and beauty, a way the Elves had honoured us when they had first encountered us long ago. "Perso nel buio. In un luogo tranquillo strano?"
"I Wouldn't call it strange, but dark and quiet, yes. Why do you ask?"
"I have heard you out here before, singing. That same song even, what is it?'I turned slightly and began frm the beginning. I did enjoy the song so. I paused.
"The song of Men, or as it is by the Elves, 'the song of the Beloved.'"
"Oh? And How are we deemed with such a title?'
"We are the second born, we are gifted with mortality, so that one day we may join the King in the heavens."
"Your songs, you remind me of a bird from home, in the west. Oh what was the name? oh well, I am sure I will remember. More so, how would you have learned such a song? There are no Elves in these lands."
"Who said I learned it from the Elves?"
"You read it from the scripts then?"
I laughed, "No, no. I did learn it from the Elves. Reading takes far too much time."
"I slighted my voice and stood higher. "If anything *I* should be in the stories written in the scripts!"
"You were always full of your self, Dulin. Always boasting of how many orcs you would kill."
"Dulin? It seems ages since you have called me that. Never anything else either. Why again?"
We looked at each other. A smile sprouted and I began to laugh. I'll never forget that smile...

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